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We have now raised the banner on a new brotherhood Norsehaven across Scotland and we would love to potently have you as a new member.


It has been an emotional first year that’s for sure getting everything up and running, we are heading in a great direction and right now with members the length and breadth of the country and this is just the tip of the iceberg of things to come.


Our goal has always been about the bonds of brotherhood, we want all brothers to have a safe place to go, our focus will always be a support network for men to have and for our charity efforts to lead us in making our country a better place. We are all inclusive and accept any one from any background and all walks of life, no kind of bullying of any kind will be tolerated at all. We are all about support and some where were you can be yourself free from judgement of any kind from anyone. Every one in here has each other’s back through thick and thin, the kind of support you get from this group is second to none, any time of day or night people are always here to chat from small banter full chat to deep and serious either way we are here, always remember be free and yourself. Basically we are a group of guys that support one another, have a laugh and joke but most importantly we aim to do a lot of charity work.




For more information please look at the Questions below, If you still cant find the answers drop us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible

  • How Do I Join?
    Reach out on Social media to any member or go to the Club page and they will put you in touch with the Scout. The Scout will out line the joining process to you and then invite you to the server, where the Chairman or one of the officers will get you into the right section.
  • How Active Do I Need To Be?
    The more active you are then the better 'the more you put in then the more you will get out' At the starting process the more active you are then the quicker you will move up through. Once you become a viking, we want you to be as active as possible but we have no minimum requirements but the less active you are the longer it will take to become a full member. If absolutely no activity full members may vote for you to be removed. You will find that it becomes a good outlet and support network for you and tend to be involved more than enough as you go.
  • What Rules Are There?
    Once you step up to Aesir you will have access to our Constitution which we all follow. Our main rules are: We are all inclusive - We welcome all faiths, race and orientation and we will not tolerate any abuse or bullying of any kind.
  • Will It Cost Me Anything?
    There is no joining fee or monthly subs. The only time you will be asked to pay for anything will be if you want to buy any club merchandise or if we need to pay for any event (only if you are participating) We are a non profit organisation and we have to self fund all events/merch.
  • What Will I Get Out of Norsehaven
    You will gain a band of brothers that will support you and have your back through your darkest days. You will join a brotherhood who's goal is to make the world a little bit better by what little steps we can make.



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